2024年5月21日 09:00
③ It's in the bag.
② It's apples and oranges.
① It's a lemon.
④ I'm going bananas.
⑤ She brokes the ice.
① It's in the bag.→「確実にうまくいきます。」
A: Are you ready for a job interview tomorrow?
B: Don't worry, it's in the bag.
② It's apples and oranges.→「比べようがない。」
A: She takes a day off again? I haven't taken a single day off for the last 3 weeks. It's unfair.
B: It's apples and oranges. Her mother is in the hospital.
③ It's a lemon.→「不良品だ。」「欠陥品だ。」
■ My car is a lemon.「私の車は欠陥品です。」
■ He is like a lemon.「彼は不愉快な人です。」
④ I'm going bananas.→「ものすごく嬉しい。」
A: I'm gonna give my nephew the Ichiro's autographed T-shirt.
B: He'll go bananas!「すごく喜ぶね!」
A: He stood me up last night.
B: If I were you, I'd go bananas.
⑤ She brokes the ice.→「彼女が緊張をほぐしてくれた。」
A: I respect her because she knows how to say the right thing to make people feel comfortable.
B: Exactly. She is good at breaking the ice.